Saturday, December 1, 2012


In the FCE for Schools Cambridge exam you have the option to write on two different books. The set texts for this year are:
  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (The ELT Graphic Novel - Heinle Cengage Learning)
  • A lion called Christian by Anthony & John Rendal (Scholastic Readers)

The previous years we all enjoyed

  • The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins (PENGUIN or any other edition)
  •  Macbeth by William Shakespeare (The ELT Graphic Novel - Heinle Cengage Learning)
Listen to the presentation of The Woman in White and enjoy it !!!
Listen to a quick overview of Macbeth!!! Enjoy it too!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

FCE STUDENTS It's time to practise your speaking

Are you interested in great videos of different levels with subtitles? Now, you can record yourselves and get a score for your speaking at, where you can WATCH videos, practise SPEAKING the lines of the video and then get a SCORE for each line you speak.
Try it out!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

NIAGARA FALLS - E Class - Unit 7

For those who can actually visit the falls, It's an unforgettable experience. The rest of us will travel on line!!!